© Julia Kobalz
Mathias Tretter: Premiere in Kanada ...mit seinem Programm "Not with a bang, but a whimper" (Deutschland-Premiere am 28.6. in der Münchner Lach & Schiess) - plus Übersicht über weitere April-Premieren.
Toronto (CDN). Der April ist nicht der typische Monat für Kabarett-Premieren, trotzdem können wir für diesen Monat viele Kabarett- und Comedy-Premieren melden. Die wohl außergewöhnlichste Premiere bietet Mathias Tretter: Er wurde von der deutschen Botschaft in Toronto zu einem Auftritt eingeladen. Und eigens für diesen Auftritt hat er ein englisches Programm geschrieben: "Not with a bang, but a whimper". Die Premiere findet am 24.4. im "The Rivoli" in Toronto statt. Der Inhalt: That's globalisation for you: Brits become cooks, and Germans comedians. Not for very much longer, and we will be facing Taliban lapdancers! But, believe it or not, German humour can be as funny as British food yummy. Here comes Mathias Tretter, who is going to show you that Germany has more to contribute to international comedy than just Hitler (who was Austrian, anyway). And the mad hun is even having a shot at it in English! Tretter has got a master's degree in English Literature, received after, as he puts it, 'twelve marvellously gleeful years of studying. When it comes to socially accepted idleness, you just can't beat German universities.' However, Tretter did not waste all of his youth on education. Obviously, there were spells of learning, too. He spent a year in Scotland, working as an assistant teacher in an Edinburgh secondary school; not just any school, though, but an educational challenge rough enough to get a mention in Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting. "Eighty percent of my material and hundred percent of my language come from this job", he says. "T' was a fuckin' experience wi' those mental cunts, you ken." But don't worry: Tretter will not sound too Scottish. "More like a light Glaswegian with a heavy southern German accent. In any case you're in for a multilingual treat!" (mathiastretter.de) Weitere Premieren im April: 1.4. Ehnert vs. Ehnert, 2.4. Jutta Lindner, 9.4. Der unglaubliche Heinz, 17.4. Frieda Braun, 22.4. Till Reiners, Alma Hoppe, Bernd Regenauer, 23.4. Bairisch-Diatonischer Jodelwahnsinn, 28.4. Bernd Dudenhöffer.
Links: Mathias Tretter, Ehnert vs. Ehnert, Jutta Lindner, Der unglaubliche Heinz, Till Reiners, Alma Hoppe, Bernd Regenauer, Bernd Dudenhöffer, Info der Deutschen Botschaft in Kanada zu Tretters Auftritt, Bairisch-Diatonischer Jodelwahnsinn, Frieda Braun, Mehr Infos zu allen April-Premieren